
Happy 40th Birthday my Love and Best Friend. Half of our lives have been spent together and I do not recognize any life without you. In the past twenty years we’ve seen: 12 homes, 5 states, 8 colleges, and 4 countries. We’ve had countless friends come and go, family members leave and enter, professional ups… Continue reading Dan

Categorized as Family

Taylor H

Jennie, Happy 28th Birthday! I mean, 40, but really, I’ve known you for quite a few birthdays now, and you seem to be aging backwards. Not even trying to compliment you here by the way, it’s just the damn truth. 😉 Jennie, I just love you. I simply cannot write in a few sentences what… Continue reading Taylor H


Jen – Happy happy birthday to you. You see people for who they are and respect that. You have a true gift for meeting people where they are and yet challenging them to be the best version of themselves. Xoxo Michelle – the one who doesn’t like to talk in the morning or after workouts.


Jennie, happy 40th birthday to one of my oldest friends! Cheers to the remarkably talented and hard working women you are. I would not have had as many laughs over the last 23 years if you weren’t a part of it! You have taught me so much about myself and how to live life authentically.… Continue reading Meg


Jennie my love!!!! What a wonderful blessing you have been to this world for 40 years! I cannot imagine my life without you in it. From college, to making our way into the world, marriage, babies, bigger kids and just life. You are a constant for me and for that I am forever grateful. You… Continue reading Marisa


HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIE!!! Wishing you the happiest of birthdays on this big day!  40!!  Can you even believe it?   I am so incredibly thankful for our friendship and partnership 😊 Meeting you and getting to know you over the last almost 20 years has made me a better person and for that I am… Continue reading Lindsey


Dear Jennie, HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY to one of my life’s most important soul mates! Jennie, you are one of the people I most admire in the world, in my life, and I am so grateful that for almost two decades, I’ve have the privilege of being up close, to being witness to your many accomplishments, to… Continue reading Kris


JENNIE! HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY!!! It feels like it was only a few years ago that I sat down next to you in Biology class the first day of our Freshman year. I had no idea that by choosing that seat I would meet one of my lifelong best friends. Our life journey’s have taken us… Continue reading Jill