
Happy 40th Birthday my Love and Best Friend. Half of our lives have been spent together and I do not recognize any life without you. In the past twenty years we’ve seen: 12 homes, 5 states, 8 colleges, and 4 countries. We’ve had countless friends come and go, family members leave and enter, professional ups and downs and more heated arguments than a Judge Judy television career. Ever since seeing you outside Room 115 “the Little Theatre” in 9th grade I’ve been in Love. I remember the way you stood out in your fashionable clothes, I remember the range of candies that you would buy at Quick Pick, from snickers to pixies sticks. I remember your red Honda Eagle Summit. All of this before we were even together. You always thought that you pursued me, but I was always conscience of my infatuation with you and dreamed we’d be together even before we were When I look back on my Love of you, I realize that each passing memory grows stronger and redefines what I thought would be the limit of feelings for another person. Every little thing you do is magic! Not only have you made me the person I only dreamed of being, but you proved that Angels do exist on Earth. You brought the most amazing persons into my life and that will forever shine onto my heart. There are not enough words throughout ten lifetimes to express how special all my Angels are. The only thing more rewarding than remembering our past is to acknowledge we have no control of the journey forward but will continue to rely on each other’s support as we sail into the mystic.


Hey baby girl, Happy 40th Birthday!!! It doesn’t seem possible that you are 40. I can remember bringing you home from the hospital and Kim was so excited that her Baby was finally home.  There has been wonderful highs and sorrowful lows in your life and during all of it you have met everything with grace and courage.  My wish for your future is Joy and Happiness. Can hardly wait till you are home in a few weeks. All of my LOVE Momma Jo
Jennie, A great big Happy 40th Birthday to the best Valentine present I will ever get! Thanks for enriching everyone’s life and teaching me so much. Love, Dad
My Dearest Jennie, Happy 40th birthday my love!  This letter is hard to write, I don’t know where to begin.  I guess I’ll start with the fact that since I’ve been two, I have had a built-in best friend.  From someone to play with, to someone to hold hands in bed with, to someone who accidentally feeds my mouse to the dog, to someone to teach how to curl her hair, to someone to stick up for and who will stick up for me.  I have also had someone to annoy.  Whether that be silly little fights or putting all my shoes in the bathroom to really get you going!  Growing up, I took for granted the little sister who was always by my side, but as I got older, I realized just how special it was and is.  I can honestly say, I don’t think I would have made it through this thing they call life without you.  From trauma, depression or just something small, you have always been there.  Your unconditional love and support have been my rock and have led me through some very rough times.  Thank you for being my person.  The one I need to run everything by and the one I can always vent to.  The one who never lets me down and my other true soulmate. Now comes the part where I get to tell you how proud I am of you!  You have never had it easy and yet that has never stopped you.  Whether that be lessons at the dining room table, sorority life in Lincoln or design contests at Wade, you have always put your unique spin on things and excelled!  Then comes Be A Giver, The Giving Tree, beyourself and the countless other boutiques you’ve helped create.  You are a true visionary and the very definition of a businesswoman.  You have been professional, creative, and have never once lost sight of who you are and what you want to achieve.  You have made millions feel empowered and beautiful and have given voice to causes that may have been voiceless.  Your badass business sense has been magnificent to watch and still leaves me speechless to this day. I want you to know that I know how hard the past little while has been, with the pandemic and Hawaii and just all the change.  I want you to know that I think you have handled it like a true champion.  Even when you have been lonely and scared, you’ve still shown up and been the very best mom those two precious girls could ask for.  You are a walking textbook definition of being able to do it all, and I want you to remember that.  For that is truly special.  You, my love, are truly special!  Always remember that I’m just lovin’ you and that I love you always in all ways! Kimberly Ann
Jennie, Happy 40th birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day to relax and be with your family. Valentine’s Day is lucky to share the day with such a caring and thoughtful person. I am thankful to have such a wonderful sister as you. Love you! Andy
Jennifer, You deserve to be happy and enjoy your special day.  We love you so much and are so fortunate to have you in our lives.  We are all looking forward to getting to spend more time with you now that you are moving back to Homaha.  As your little brother, I can’t believe you are 39 + 1. Cecily wants you to know her favorite part about you is your love.  And she likes that you call her love and sweet girl.  We all want you to know that we are blessed to have someone who gives to unselfishly, who is always willing to be there and even though we don’t express it enough we really appreciate you! Have an amazing special day, and remember 40 is only 11 in Scrabble! Love Scott, Melissa, Cecily and Temperance


Jennifer! It doesn’t seem possible that it has been 40 years since I first saw your little face. It has been a joy to see you become an accomplished young lady. I hope the next 40 years will be just as great! Have a wonderful birthday and please eat a piece of cake for me. Love You, Grandma Betty


My dear Jennie, Happy Birthday, my beautiful niece! I wish you a wonderful celebration with your family, knowing that this occasion provides a special opportunity for all who love you to reflect on the light and joy you bring to the world. You and Kim (and Scott as well, although it was a few years later) allowed me to have a pretty remarkable title at a young age. When you become an Aunt at the age of 9 - and again at 11 - it’s a badge of uniqueness that sets you apart from most kids. And who doesn’t want to be an original at that age. Not to mention it was so fun! I could practice my babysitting strategies, and I always had an adoring audience of little girls who thought I was pretty cool. I will always remember bringing you and Kim to Gamma Phi Beta at UNL when I was in college, where we had quite a conversation about when you might be old enough to wear a bra! My roommate Colleen adored our lively discussion, and she will still bring up your visit today when we reminisce. Of course, even before this event was the ill-fated Ghost movie (a poor judgment call to be sure) and the Adventures of Natty Gann, where you and I cried throughout the entire movie. Not a surprise, to be sure. As I reflect on the thoughtful and sweet kid that you were, it leads seamlessly into the strong, competent, kind, visionary woman you are today. What a blessing you are in my life and in the lives of so many. Your thoughtfulness shines through in everything you do, and I am moved by how you live your values of kindness and compassion every day. You inspire me, Jennie, with your view of the world, and your work to make it a better place. And now that child who looked up to me is now a compelling role model for my kids - and her own. Here’s to your 40s, my dear, and a decade full of new beginnings, new and old friendships, and most of all, love. Happy Birthday, sweet Jennie! I can’t wait until we can hug and spend time together once again. All my love, Tracy
Dear Jennie Love, Wishing you a very Happy 40th birthday.  You are a caring person to so many, many people.  A loving wife to my son, Dan, a giving mother to my granddaughters, Georgie and Niah, and I could not ask for a more loving daughter-in-law. Your presence in the life of our family is truly a gift.  I am so blessed.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Sending lots of love along with hugs and kisses! Jean E. OOOOOOOOOO XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Our Dearest Jennie, Happy 40th Birthday! I cannot believe I have known you for 20 years! Of course, George has known you longer! We love you so much. You are so many wonderful things. We are so blessed to have you as a sister-in-law. Our girls are lucky to call you aunt. You are always there, you always “show up”. You give and love unconditionally.  We have fun, even when it is just relaxing.  Jennie, I have cherished our candid, “real” honest chats.  Looking forward to many more wonderful times in the years to come! We love you! 40 is Fabulous!! Welcome to the club!! All Our Love, Laura and George


Happy 40th Birthday Aunt Jennie! Thank you for always being there for me.  You give me the best advice for things.  You inspire me so much! Hopefully, we get to see you guys soon! I look up to you so much, you are so supportive. Hope you have a great Birthday! Love, Caroline


Happy 40th Birthday Aunt Jennie! You are the most positive, hardworking, and the cleanest person I know! You have always me to be myself and I have taken that advice with me into high school. I can’t wait for you guys to move back! Enjoy your day. You deserve it! Love you so much, Anna


Dear Jennie, Happy 40th Birthday!!! Time sure flies... 🙂 I remember when you and Dan first started dating. I loved you immediately. You have accomplished so many wonderful things since our Thursday evening meetings, at my parents home, where we watched Beverly Hills 90210.  You are a loving wife, a fabulous mom, a very successful business woman, and an admired sister-in-law/friend. I love you very much. I hope you have a Happy Birthday, Heather P.S.  Will says, “Lordy! Lordy!  It is good to be 40!”  He loves you and Happy Birthday!
Jennie, what a joy your addition has been to the Egermayer and Mattoch families! I treasure the time we have been able to spend together in Hawaii especially with your adorable Georgie and Niah Jean! Dan’s not bad either. Love you all! Happy Birthday, Jennie! - Aunt Judy


Jennie.......Wishing you a very Happy 40th Birthday!!! 🎂 I am so happy all of you have been having such a great time living in Hawaii and these are days you will always look back on so fondly. You are truly amazing! You are such a wonderful mother and genuine person who is always giving back to others. What an incredible role model you are to Georgie and Niah with your work ethic and values. You have accomplished so much in these 40 years which I so admire. I wish you the best on this very special birthday today and always. Sending you lots and lots of love, Aunt Jan. xoxoxoxox


Dear Jennie, Happy, happy 40th birthday to you, my dear friend, business partner and cousin. You’re a successful businesswoman, a terrific friend, an amazing mother, wonderful wife and supportive partner. You’re also exceptionally creative, fiercely loyal, extremely determined, deeply principled, warm, generous and a passionate advocate to many. You unexpectedly became one of my close friends and confidantes. For the past decade, we have laughed; cried; gone for coffee; talked for what feels like millions of hours on the phone and in your car; occasionally argued but always made-up; ate Mexican and drank margaritas; and shared so many specials times together. I still miss our weekly phone calls and occasional visits, but it makes me happy to know what a fantastic life you have in Hawaii with Dan, Georgie and Niah. Jennie, you have accomplished so much by 40 that I can only imagine what you’ll achieve during the next 40 years of your life. I wish you even more love, joy and success in the years to come. Happy 40th birthday my sweet cousin. Love, Julie


Dear Jennie: Just another Happy Birthday to our niece --- but it's really not just "another" birthday when it is your 40th. Now you're catching up with all of your aunts and uncles and that's just fine with us.  Enjoy your special day with close by family and friends. Hope to see you soon. - Uncle Jim and Aunt Judy


Happy Birthday, Jennie!!!! Let me repeat, "You make my spirit soar." You are a gift to soooo many in this old world, especially to our big big family. And, I thank our Dan for being open to your loving ways. Prayers for you on this your 40th birthday. Big hug, lots of love. Aunt Margaret


Dear Jen, Our family is only complete because we are blessed with an angel like you, businesswoman that you are! I’ve relished your sweetness from day one. Happy 40th.❤ Love, Aunt Chic

Friends Who Are Family


Happy 40th Birthday, friend......welcome to the club!! I am so lucky to have had you in my life for the past 31 years. I have so many wonderful memories of growing up together. You have become an amazing mom, wife, business owner, advocate and friend! You inspire me to be a better person every day. I am looking forward to having you and your family back home! Enjoy your birthday. Sending love and hugs from snowy Omaha. Brooke 🥰🥳
Jennie, How can it be that we are turning 40 this year?!  At times it seems like yesterday that we were in high school and at times it seems like forever ago.  I still remember the first time I saw you, rocking your red pleather skirt that resembled a fruit roll-up if I recall correctly.  You walked into school so confident and self-assured.  That is a trait that I admired about you then and that I admire about you to this day.  You are 100% yourself.  You have lived that out in all areas of your life, which is absolutely amazing! You have this uncanny ability to be so real that it is difficult for anyone around you not to be their real self as well.  And if they aren’t you will call them on it.  I love that about you.  Our conversations are so raw and honest, with no pretenses or sugar coating.  I think we have both needed that particularly through this pandemic.  I find myself telling you things that I didn’t even realize were “things” until we started talking.  I always feel better after having a conversation with you.  I wish that everyone could bring as much care and honesty to a conversation as you bring. Jennie, I haven’t always been the best friend.  I was so sick for a while that I just kind of disappeared from my friendships.  I want to thank you for never giving up on me and when I was getting myself back to a good place you welcomed me with open arms.  You didn’t shame me, you just met me where I was and loved me just like you always have.  You are an incredible friend, and I can definitely speak to that.  I just hope that I can now be that same type of friend to you.  I am forever grateful for our friendship and for the special place you hold in my heart. We have had some amazing times together over the past 25 years!  Can you believe it’s been that long?  All of our high school adventures, softball, working at Westroads, football games, our trip to Europe, college visits, navigating our early 20’s, marriages, kids, there has been a lot we have experienced together.  I love watching you be the Boss that you are, managing your career, with your family, you make it look easy, even when I know it is far from that. You are an amazing example for your girls and all girls.  I pray that I raise my girls to always be themselves, just like you! I love you.  I hope that your 40’s are the absolute best!  I’m looking forward to making many more memories with you and your sweet family. Happy 40th Birthday, Jennie! Love, Darcie
Jennie, happy 40th birthday to one of my oldest friends! Cheers to the remarkably talented and hard working women you are. I would not have had as many laughs over the last 23 years if you weren’t a part of it! You have taught me so much about myself and how to live life authentically. I appreciate what you stand for. You’re an inspiration to many including me! Here’s to many more years of friendship and making great memories together! Meg
Jen - Happy happy birthday to you. You see people for who they are and respect that. You have a true gift for meeting people where they are and yet challenging them to be the best version of themselves. Xoxo Michelle - the one who doesn’t like to talk in the morning or after workouts.
Jennie my love!!!! What a wonderful blessing you have been to this world for 40 years! I cannot imagine my life without you in it. From college, to making our way into the world, marriage, babies, bigger kids and just life. You are a constant for me and for that I am forever grateful. You dare to dream big and work hard to make those dreams happen. You are constantly growing, stretching and demanding more of yourself which in turn challenges me to do the same. My life is so much richer because of our friendship. I take so much comfort in knowing that you are only a phone call away no matter where we are in this big world. Cheers to you! I love you! Marisa
JENNIE! HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY!!! It feels like it was only a few years ago that I sat down next to you in Biology class the first day of our Freshman year. I had no idea that by choosing that seat I would meet one of my lifelong best friends. Our life journey’s have taken us to different places and keep us far apart for years at a time, but no matter what whenever we are together it’s like no time has passed. I wish we could all be together to celebrate this milestone, hopefully we’ll get to make up for it soon with a big birthday bash! Thank you for always being such a bright light in my life. Your positivity is radiant and your perseverance is admirable. Thank you for always keeping me clothed in stylish, comfortable clothing. Thank you for pushing me outside my comfort zone when you know it’s good for me. Thank you for 25 years of friendship. I hope you have the most wonderful birthday! Love you so much! Jill
Happy Birthday 40th Jennie! Your friendship and mentorship has meant the world to me. I wouldn’t be where I am without you and all your support. Love ya so much! Cant wait to celebrate with you as soon as possible. Xo-Summer
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVER GIRL!!!! My Dearest Jennie, As you enter into a new decade with style and grace, strength and wisdom, please take today to reflect on everything you have accomplished thus far. It’s a hell of a lot!! I want to say thank you for all that you do for all the people that you love, family and friends.  You are a true source of love and light that shines so bright for so many. I’m so grateful to have you in my life as one of my dearest friends. We are beyond overdue for a in person catch-up and I’m hoping we can share a couple bottles of wine sooner then later. I love you! Happy Birthday Beautiful Angel! Love you lots, XO- Tiff
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIE!!! Wishing you the happiest of birthdays on this big day!  40!!  Can you even believe it?   I am so incredibly thankful for our friendship and partnership 😊 Meeting you and getting to know you over the last almost 20 years has made me a better person and for that I am truly grateful.  I hope that you get to take time for you today and feel the love from the many lives you have touched throughout your life.  You are truly and beautiful human, loyal friend, and incredible business partner.  Thank you for always being you and all you do for those around you and your community.  You’re an inspiration to us all! I know that we agreed we wouldn’t buy each other gifts for our birthdays, but considering this is a BIG one to celebrate, as soon as you move back, we are going to take a spa day together on me.  Nails and massage (or facial if you would prefer that).  We can work out all the details and date when you get back and settled in.  HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY, dear friend! Love, Lindsey
My sweet friend, I can’t begin to tell you what our friendship has meant to me over the years! We could have never even imagined when we met two decades ago what life had in store for us....and your hair! ;) I am so thankful to have called you my friend through it all!! I wouldn’t be the person I am without our countless “ therapy “ sessions!! Your passion in life, your drive to make the world a better place and your determination to never give up on the things you love and believe in is such an inspiration to me! You put your heart and soul into everything you do and every relationship you have! I love you so much!! Happy 40th Birthday beautiful girl!!! Welcome to the club!!! Love you! Teagan
Dear Jennie, HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY to one of my life's most important soul mates! Jennie, you are one of the people I most admire in the world, in my life, and I am so grateful that for almost two decades, I've have the privilege of being up close, to being witness to your many accomplishments, to your joys, to some of your life's most profound events, and also to some of your deepest pain. I'll never forget the day I came home from work to see you dancing around our Marina Del Rey apartment in your aqua bathrobe. You were light as a feather because you had just quit your job at Frenzi, and you did so because you had vision and you had courage. You knew your worth, you trusted your instincts, and you saw the path you were traveling even though it wasn't yet totally lit before you. You were and are that light, and your courage and vision will be part of your legacy. Jennie, you have spent a lifetime being yourself and encouraging everyone around you and every person who enters your orbit, your family, your friends new and old, your stores, your daughters, and your clients and collaborators, to do the same. You have generously encouraged countless women to be more self-assured, to be more confident, and to love themselves better. I am one of them, and I am so grateful. You've also created literal, inclusive space for women of various backgrounds and socio-economics and sizes to be in community with one another. And you have used your platform and your spaces and your body to speak truth and advocate for justice, which is at your core. Watching you become a mother was and has been an absolute delight. Georgie and Niah can't possibly understand yet just how special it is to have Jennie Mae O'Dell as their mother. All the innate creativity and empathy that has been a source of joy and light to every person and pursuit you touch now being poured into their hearts and lives. It's a wonder, and you are an incredible mother, even on the days you don't feel like that's the truth. Jennie, your empathy and generosity are unmatched, so much so that I know at times it's felt and been lonely. This is part of your superpower, your skin that's a little thinner than most, your heart that's a little bigger, your vision that's a little clearer and deeper, and your 'bladder that's behind your eyes.' As you enter this new decade, I hope your commitment to reserving some of that generosity and empathy for yourself becomes a source of strength and joy for YOU, and not just for those of us who are fortunate enough to be close to you. You are worthy of being selective with your love and your energy, and you are worthy of prioritizing yourself near the top of the long list of friends and family you continuously empty yourself out to love. I hope this next season is one of deep connection, connection with your creativity, with your loved ones, and also with yourself. I hope the ideas inside you that are yet to be birthed rise to the surface and renew your sense of purpose. I love you, Jennie, and I am so damn grateful for you. I hope that you feel seen by me and within our friendship. Kris


My dear Jennie, I like to think that we are kindred spirits much like our daughters. You came bursting into my life like the ball of fire! You are filled with so much life and joy but you also vulnerable with life struggles and frustrations, and I appreciate your inner being and what makes you tick. You have always marched to your own drum and there aren't many that do it better than you, my dear! I am so proud to call you my friend and cannot wait until drinking cocktails in our driveways becomes a habit! Happiest of birthdays wishes to you, you deserve the moon! xoxo, Emily Andres


Jennie,  Happy 40th Birthday, to the best dressed, most carefree and selfless person I know! You make 40 look FABULOUS. Words cannot explain how excited we are for you, Dan and the girls to move back to Omaha! Cheers to YOU! We hope your day is simply AMAZING. You deserve it! See you VERY soon. XOXOX Charlie, Collins, Emily and Perry
Jennie, Happy 40th Birthday to my amazing friend!  I am so grateful for the friendship we have created over the past several years.  We have so much in common and have so much fun together!  I feel like we have been friends forever. I love how real and down to earth you are always! I love how big your heart is and how much you care about your friends and family!  I love our connection with being business owners, working moms and wives to our crazy husbands. I love our talks, our dinners and our family gatherings.  I look forward to the many memories ahead together as friends and with our families! I realized in all of our time together, we are too busy talking, drinking martinis and being moms and we don’t have any pictures together.  We need to work on that! I hope your Birthday is as amazing as you are!  You are so beautiful inside and out and I look forward to celebrating you soon! Lots of Love, Season
Jennie, Happy 28th Birthday! I mean, 40, but really, I’ve known you for quite a few birthdays now, and you seem to be aging backwards. Not even trying to compliment you here by the way, it’s just the damn truth. ;) Jennie, I just love you. I simply cannot write in a few sentences what you mean to me- and to every other person in your life. You are pure gold. Your impact on me began on day one, and is with me every day of my life. You have been a boss, and a friend, but through all of it, you are a piece of my heart, and everything that I am. Thank you for everything that you have done, and continue to do for me. You have influenced me in so many ways. I think of you and what you would say or how you would react to something--- probably too much! Haha! But hey, when you talk to someone more than anyone else for a few years of your life, it’s hard to shake that! I’ll wrap this up with a virtual bear hug, and an I love you. Because I do. And I hope you have the most amazing birthday yet, Jennie. You deserve all of the magic and love- and Diet Coke. ♡ XOXOXOXO times a million! -Tay


Allie and Leah and Lane

Big Island finds Big LOVE & forever friends Jennie put the Aloha in my Hawaiian experience. Our girls clearly know how to pick amazing humans, if it wasn’t for their friendship we would have never met and that would have been a tragedy.  It is clear that paths don’t cross by accident and I know we will continue our friendship journey forever. I am so thankful I was able to take a trip around the sun with you by my side.  Continue to shine your beautiful light and spread the aloha in Omaha my dear friend. Happy Happy Birthday “My Love”. 40 but always fabulous. ♥️ Heather