Aunt Mary Jo

Dear Jen, Our family is only complete because we are blessed with an angel like you, businesswoman that you are! I’ve relished your sweetness from day one. Happy 40th.❤ Love, Aunt Chic

Aunt Margaret

Happy Birthday, Jennie!!!! Let me repeat, “You make my spirit soar.” You are a gift to soooo many in this old world, especially to our big big family. And, I thank our Dan for being open to your loving ways. Prayers for you on this your 40th birthday. Big hug, lots of love. Aunt Margaret

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Uncle Jim and Aunt Judy

Dear Jennie: Just another Happy Birthday to our niece — but it’s really not just “another” birthday when it is your 40th. Now you’re catching up with all of your aunts and uncles and that’s just fine with us.  Enjoy your special day with close by family and friends. Hope to see you soon. –… Continue reading Uncle Jim and Aunt Judy


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Categorized as Family


Happy 40th Birthday my Love and Best Friend. Half of our lives have been spent together and I do not recognize any life without you. In the past twenty years we’ve seen: 12 homes, 5 states, 8 colleges, and 4 countries. We’ve had countless friends come and go, family members leave and enter, professional ups… Continue reading Dan

Categorized as Family

Momma Jo

Hey baby girl, Happy 40th Birthday!!! It doesn’t seem possible that you are 40. I can remember bringing you home from the hospital and Kim was so excited that her Baby was finally home.  There has been wonderful highs and sorrowful lows in your life and during all of it you have met everything with… Continue reading Momma Jo

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Happy 40th Birthday Aunt Jennie! Thank you for always being there for me.  You give me the best advice for things.  You inspire me so much! Hopefully, we get to see you guys soon! I look up to you so much, you are so supportive. Hope you have a great Birthday! Love, Caroline

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Happy 40th Birthday Aunt Jennie! You are the most positive, hardworking, and the cleanest person I know! You have always me to be myself and I have taken that advice with me into high school. I can’t wait for you guys to move back! Enjoy your day. You deserve it! Love you so much, Anna

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